Summer Equinox, Wood starts working at the dungeon.


Early Summer, Lady Valerie of Malbourg works out a plan to seduce Slim Bellerby.

She approaches the sister of Doug Wood, whom have becomed 15 years of age and need to start working as servamt at Malbourg Castle. She offers Chantelle Wood a job as her servant for her, and asks her to buy a birthday present for her brother

Lady Valerie of Malbourg claims, Kari Bellerby likes to be spanked by her brother, and that Chantelle Wood shall go to the taylor to buy a whip, she can give to Doug Wood.

Chantelle thinks it sounds wierd, but go buy a whip for Lady Valerie.


Midsommer, Sir Benjamin of Lewinton precents Chantelle Wood for Lady Maritha of Turain as their new maid.

At the apartment of Sir Leonard of Malbourgh in the afternoon of The Midsommer Concert, Conrad and Etta Combler finds Chantelle Wood.

Etta Combler hugging Chantelle Wood, she explains to, Lady Samantha of Turain wants to introduce the new maids for her family, and they are going to a partly tonight.

Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood follow huggly together Conrad Combler to the theatre.

Niel Hauck has organized the tables for The Midsummer Concert.

Niel Hauck makes a large table for the groomes, Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh. Joining them, they get their sister, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, their cousin Sean Dade, who has comed to see the show, and their other cousin, Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and their Guards, Slim Bellerby, Conrad and Silas Combler.

The table will be served bye the Servants of the castle, Moira Liebermann, Kari Bellerby, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric hastens to the main table, to shyly ask, if Chantelle Wood like to dance with him.

Chantelle Wood thinks, he looks delightful, and starts dancing with him.

Charles Riggs sees, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric dragging away with one of the maids and swiftly invites the desirable Etta Combler to dance with him.

Charles Riggs is dancing close with Etta Combler and fondling her buns.

At the break, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Chantelle Wood splits up and goes to their Tables.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby takes their old places, and Kari Bellerby helps Chantelle Wood serving them wine.

Etta Combler agitated tells Chantelle Wood, she thinks, Charles Riggs is too obsessed by her rump, and she wants him to keep away from her big bum.

Chantelle Wood thinks, her dancing partner, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric was a gentleman, and she even got a kiss from him. She looks at Charles Riggs, and find him delicious, so she promises to have a dance with him, if he approaces Etta Combler and her bum again.

When Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker, Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon, David Smith, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky quikly start dancing together.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggly goes dancing and cuddling with Kari Bellerby.

Slim Bellerby goes to Conrad Combler and asks him to dance.

Charles Riggs leaves the children's table approaching the table of Etta Combler, to asks her to dance with him, but Chantelle Wood siftly blocks his away, and Etta Combler excapes to the table of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and starts dancing with him.

Hence, Charles Riggs takes Chantelle Wood out for dancing.

Moira Liebermann joins Chantelle Wood at the castle to get and idea, how she can make the attention of Kari Bellerby disturbed.

Chantelle Wood is decorating the suite of Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain when Moira Liebermann arrives and helps her.

when Etta Combler comes, Chantelle Wood and Moira Liebermann sit down having tea with her.

Etta Combler is still agritated, Charles Riggs had fondle her buns last night. Chantelle Wood objects he's a dishy man to look at, and she got no problems dancing with him.

Etta Combler stats, that nobody is touching her bum, without getting her permission first.

Moira Liebermann descreately asks, what she and Kari Bellerby is planing to do during the weddings?

Etta Combler answares, that Kari Bellerby will have Doug Wood over before the weddings and him and Kari Bellerby is probably noisy bumping uglish all night, but he'll be at work during the weddings, so she and Kari Bellerby is probably doing nothing until the wedding couples arrive.

Moira Liebermann immediately invites Etta Combler, Kari Bellerby and Doug Wood to a party, while they all waiting for the married couples to get home.

In the afternoon, Moira Liebermann has to go to the pharmacy and Chantelle Wood joints her.

Janet Miller enters the pharmacy, with Patricia at her arm, to buy some contraception potion. Moira Liebermann curriously wnats to know, if har cousin, Kari Bellerby, is still very fond of Lannon's Cherry Wine from Winefork?

Janet Miller confirms, they still got this flaw in common. Both she and Kari Bellerby are almost just as fond of drinking the wine, as they are of making love, though you risk occasionally getting babies from that kind of love.

Janet Miller proclaims, she likes a good cock banged in her honeypot, and her unlike her brother, Charles Riggs, she's uninterested in sewing dresses.

Chantelle Wood realizes, she has danced with the brother of Janet Miller the night before, and wants to meet him again.

Janet Miller promises Chantelle Wood, she can take her to her brother at the tailor and Moira Liebermann doesn't need Chantelle anymore today, so they go to the tailor's shop.

Charles Riggs embrasses Chantelle Wood, but his dress for the weddings is almost finised, and he doesn't wants to show it to Chantelle Wood, before the weddings.

Janet Miller thinks it's sad, her brother, Charles Riggs just wnat to be kissing and cuddling with Chantelle Wood, but suggests they go to the castle, to see, if Kari Bellerby will offer them some supper.

At the champers maids, Kari Bellerby embrasses Janet Miller, and Chantelle Wood helps Etta Combler cooking supper.

At supper, Kari Bellerby is sad to hear, Chantelle Wood didn't got hold on the trouser snake of Charles Riggs because he's launcing the dress for the weddings show tomorrow.

Etta Combler, however, promises to squashing his trouser snake, if Charles Riggs don't keep clear of her bum.

After supper, Janet and Patricia Miller go home and Chantelle Wood returns to her own lodgings.

Etta Combler finds Chantelle Wood and Moira Liebermann at home in the morning, eating breakfast.

Etta Combler asks Moira Liebermann, if Chantelle Wood can help her with carring the wine for her brother's birthday. Moira Liebermann thinks she can manages without Chantelle Wood the rest of the day, but she's thrillingly awaiting Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh tonight, and will not be home.

At to the grocery shop, Janet Miller giggly asks Chantelle Wood, if she had succeed in catching her brother's throuser snake, yet?

Chantelle Wood answares Etta Combler, Janet Miller is the sister of Charles Riggs, and she thinks he's sweet, and will love, if he wants to cuddling her.

Etta Combler hisses, and asks, he'll keep away from her bum, if he wants to keep his nuts.

Janet Miller cheerfully laughs and confesses, her brother is annoying and fond women''s bums, but she shall leave his dangles to Chantelle Wood. She'll know how to enjoy them.

Etta Combler claims, she's not a violent woman, but if he touches her bum again, she'll promise to cut off his danglers, and give them to Chantelle.

Chantelle Wood protests. Charles Riggs is'nt that bad, and she things, he's sweet.

Etta Combler asks Chantelle Wood to supply her self. Etta has, by the way, meet some fare more interesting nuts, she likes to crack, yesterday.

When Janet Miller comes with a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine, Chantelle Wood's whistling, and wants to know, whom Etta Combler is fancying?

Etta Combler tells, a sweet guy at the pharmacy, she met yesterday, who gave her a bottle of fragrance, and she longing for him to fondle her bum, as much as he likes to.

Janet Miller wishes the two lasses good luck in their hunt of men, before the returns with the crate to the castle.

Doug Wood is still loudly bumping uglies with Kari Bellerby, when Etta Combler and his sister, Chantelle arrive with a cate of Lannon's Cherry Wine.

Chantelle Wood is congratulating her brother, while Etta Combler is making lunch for them all.

After eating lunch, Kari Bellerby begins puoring the wine and snuggling with Doug Wood.

Chantelle Wood reminds her brother, that they're all invited to a party tomorrow during the weddings. Kissing and cuddling Kari Bellerby, Doug Wood promises they'll both come, while the tipsy Kari Bellerby smackingly are Kissing him.

When the smackings of Kari Bellerby with Doug Wood gets more pationent, Chantelle Wood points out, that Moira Liebermann isn't sleeping home tonight, and asks Etta Combler, if she wants to borrow her bed, so her brother can enjoy his birthday presant with out beeing disturbs.

Knowing Kari Bellerby, Etta Combler imagines that she will be the one disturbed by her noices all night, so she tanks yes, and leaves with Chantelle Wood, after she had kissed her brother goodbye.

Late in the afternoon, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood are arriving with a bottle of Lannon's Cherry Wine, and asks, if Etta Combler can sleep in Moira Liebermann's bed tonight, while Moira is fornicating with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at the inn?

Moira Liebermann is showing Ette Combler her bed, and tells her, she can sleep in it tonight. She adds, she has prepared for the partly tomorrow, but the needs wine. Moira tells, she's going to ask the brother of Etta, Silas, to pick up a crate of Lannon's, when she meet him later this afternoon, and he'll bring here, later.

Then, Moira Liebermann grasp her bag, and she dashes to the inn, to find Silas Combler.

Chantelle Wood is cooking them some suppe, and she and Etta Combler is eating supper.

After having eaten, Etta Combler opens the wine, and she and Chantelle Wood begins drinking the wine,

In the evening, Etta Combler is getting tipsy, she's entertaining Chantelle Wood, how Chantelle is going to cook the knackers of Charles Riggs, when Etta is cutting them off for her.

When the night comes, there are still no sign of Silas Combler, and Etta an intoxicated Etta loses her patience with har brother.

Typical my brother, Etta Combler rages, he has just found himself some snatch, he needs to shag with before he'll appear with the wine.

Chantelle Wood and Etta Combler goes to sleep.

At the return to the apartment, Moira Lieberman finds, that Etta Combler is still in the apartment waiting for the crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine as her brother, Silas Combler, should had delevered yesterday, haven't arrived yet.

In spite Etta Combler complaints, that Doug Wood and Kari Bellerby probably still are joying making loudly love together, Moira Liebermann switly orders her to go home to try making them stop making more love together until tonight, and send out Chantelle Wood looking for Silas Combler and the crate of wine.

Chantelle Wood finds Silas Combler untidy dressed with a crate of Lannon's Cherry Wine at The Crowned Lion.

Silas Combler cheers up, when he sees Chantelle Wood, and explains he's on his way to deliver this crate of wine to his sister, and she's waiting for him.

Rejectable Chantelle Wood corrects Silas Combler, it was last night, and Etta Combler had been sitting and waiting for the crate all night.

Silas Combler wants to know, if Etta Combler is very mad at him, and will kill him for not deliver the crate. Chantelle Wood replies Silas, he can consider it, if Moira Liebermann doesn't kill him. Moira is pretty jumpy this morning.

Chantelle Wood reappeared with Silas Combler, who explains, he had to satisfy Maxie Barta last night, and this morning he was bomping into a jumpy Lady Valerie of Malbourgh looking for her brother.

Moira Liebermann annoyed liberates the crate of wine from Silas Combler, and orders Silas Combler to stay and help Chantelle Wood preparing the appartment for Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha of Malbourgh, when they are arriving after the weddings. Afterwards, he can be serving for the girls at the party tonight, she's throwing tonight.

It's clear from the start, that Silas Combler is more fond of his sister's friend, Chantelle Wood, than she's fond of him, but Moira Liebermann takes the crate to the kitchen, alone.

When Moira Liebermann has left for the kitchen, Chantelle Wood is doing the living room ready for the party tonight.

While Chantelle Wood is tidying up, Silas Combler is getting smoochy, and tells Chantelle Wood, that he thinks the friend of his sister, Chantelle, had become smoochible, and wants to know, if she likes to smooching with him tonight.

Chantelle Wood turns around and smacks Silas Combler, while she's kicking him in his groin, and asks him, if his sister, Etta, likes to be tender those.

When Moira Lieberman emerges from the kitchen, Chantelle Wood is annoyed at Silas Combler, who tender his dangles.

When Sir Leonard of Malbourg, his bodygaurd, Slim Bellerby and Etta Combler arrive at his suite at noon, Moira Liebermann and Chantelle Wood have made lunch for them, while Silas Combler still tries to make amend to Chantelle.

While eating Lunch with Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and his bodygaurd, Slim Bellerby, Etta Combler explains to Moira Liebermann, that Sir Leonard has assigned the brother of Chantelle, Doug Wood, to guard his sister, Lady Valerie, and her boyfriend, Pete Barta during the weddings, so she and Kari Bellerby will attend alone without Doug Wood. Etta, however, doesn't see no problem in it. They'll have a girls night together instead.

Moira Liebermann asks Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, if they can borrow Silas Combler to serving the girls, while they are celebration the weddings? Sir Leonard of Malbourgh sees no problem if that arrangement as long as the appartment is ready to recieves him and Lady Samantha of Turain, after they gets married.

Chantelle Wood whispering disapprovingly to Etta Combler, her lasours brother has fundle her again, and she'd to kick him at his bollocks.

Etta Combler whisperingly promises Chantelle Wood, they're going to have fun with her brother, Silas, tonight, if Chantelle will bear up with him for the rest of the day. Then Etta Combler gently gives her brother's dangles a gently punch, before she returns to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh's suite.

In the afternoon, Moira Liebermann is in desperate need to alter her plan for tonight. Moira asks Chantelle Wood and Silas Combler to help Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Slim Bellerby changing into the wedding clothers, while she goes to the kitchen to prepare for the party, they are throwing during the weddings.

After Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, lieutenant Slim Bellerby and Silas Combler are taking a bath, Chantelle Wood has to wriggle to avoid a tender embracement from Silas.

When the boys get dressed, Chantelle Wood repeatedly and gently has to fight off a fondly Silas Combler.

When Moira Liebermann rejoins Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, both he and his lieutenant Slim Bellerby have change to their wedding clothers, however Chantelle Wood is very unfriendly looking at Silas Combler.

Moira Liebermann hopes, her cousin Kari Bellerby soon will show up to become the attraction for the lecherousness of Silas Combler, when Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and his lieutenant Slim Bellerby are leaving to attend the wedding ceromonies.

In the evening of the weddings, Kari Bellerby and Etta Combler comes to the apartment of Moira Lieberman to have a girls night during the wedding.

Silas Combler is serving wine and food for the girl, and soon Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby is sharing the taimpered wine together.

As they have finished eating and drinking, Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby starts pationately to make love infront of Moira Lieberman, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood.

At the dance after the weddings, a bewildered servant girl, Chantelle Wood asks Sir Thomas of Wondon if he wants to dance. Sir Thomas is flattered, and agrees to dance with her.

After the dancing floor has been cleared, Doug Wood returns and informs Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh, he cannot find Kari Bellerby anywhare.

ChantelleWood hears her brother, and huries up kissing Sir Thomas of Wondon goodbye on this cheek, and joins her brother. She tells him, she thinks he might find Kari Bellerby in the bedroom of Moira Lieberman.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh offers Doug Wood. he can come with him and Lady Maritha of Turain as they're going to their suite to make their wedding night.

At the bedroom of Moira Lieberman, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Doug and Chantelle Wood find Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler passionately making love.

Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler are interrupted by a fury of Doug Wood, and Kari Bellerby is blaming Doug Wood for force her to seek a lover, to get satisfaction.

Silas Combler resumes shafting Kari Bellerby when Moira Lieberman and Etta Combler arrive. Moira Lieberman is going to retrive some potion for Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and she's going to stay at him the rest of the night.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets mad, and throw Doug Wood. Kari Bellerby, Silas and Etta Combler out of his suite, and orders Chantelle Wood to stay and to serve himself and Lady Maritha of Turain in the morning.

Early Autumn, Etta Combler darts over to her friend Chantelle Wood to invite her make woopie at The Crowned Lion, though she have had a grudge against her brother, Silas Combler, since he made adultery with Kari Bellerby against Chantelle's brother, Doug Wood.

At The Crowned Lion, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, Pete and Maxie Barta meet Slim and Kari Bellerby and Conrad, Silas, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood.

Edward Lieberman arrives alone and Charles Riggs comes with his sister, Janet Miller, who comes to see Maxie Barta.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh orders wine for the crawd at Bettina Hauck, and they seats themself in pair: Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Maxie Barta and Janet Miller, Slim Bellerby and Conrad Combler, Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood and Edward Lieberman and Charles Riggs are watching the two beautiful girls.

Then, Finly and Sean Dade arrives and they starts to performe with Bettina Hauck.

Pete Barta starts dancing with Janet Miller, Lady Valerie dances with Slim Bellerby, Conrad Combler dances with Kari Bellerby and Edward Lieberman and Etta Combler get ingaged in a strange cuddlely dance and Chantelle Wood dances with Charles Riggs.

Maxie Barta starts dancing with Silas Combler, but when an intoxicated Kari Bellerby see it, she smacks Maxie Barta, and accuses her of trying to steal all of her boyfriends.

Maxie Barta gets mad and complains, it was Kari Combler, who have stolen Silas Combler from her and then they starts fighting.

Silas Combler snags Kari Bellerby to hold her tight and Conrad Combler snags Maxie Barta and holds her tight, too, in order to to seperate them.

Pete Barta, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Conrad Combler takes Maxie Barta home to the forge and Slim Bellerby and Silas Combler takes Kari Bellerby home to the castle.

Chantelle Wood kisses Charles Riggs goodbye and drags Etta Combler, who likes to stay at the Crowned Lion with Edward Lieberman, with her home.

Etta Combler kisses Edward Lieberman goodbye and heads toward the castle, to help the others to calm Kari Bellerby down.

Autumn Equinox, After having made sure both mistresses are fine, Syreeta Bellerby gives Kari Bellerby a list of things, she needs to go to the pharmacy to get, now that Moira Lieberman is away. She also need to go to the taylor, to get some new dresses for the ladies while they are expecting.

Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood, who's chatting at Moira Lieberman's apartment hear it, and offers to buy the thongs on the list.

Kari Bellerby complains the lasses are just looking for an opportunity to be with their boyfriends, but she agrees to send Chantelle Wood to the taylor and have Etta Combler with her at the pharmacy.

At the taylor, Charles Riggs is happy to see Chantelle Wood again, and when he hears, Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha is preginant, he offers to go with Chantelle Wood home to the castle to take mesurements for a new dresse for the ladies.

Early Winter, Especially the preginantcy of Lady Samantha of Malbourg becomes visible, and she needs her new dress from the tailor. She sends Kari Bellerby down to the town, to get the new dresses for her and Lady Maritha of Turain.

Kari Bellerby takes Chantelle Wood with her to the tailor in the hope, she can make friends with her again, after she quite boldly was unfaitful with Silas Combler in front of Chantelle Wood, when she dumped Chantelle Wood's brother as her boyfriend.

Charles Riggs is happy to see Chantelle Wood again and kisses her.

To be nice, Kari Bellerby tells Chantelle Wood, she got herself an attractive boyfriend, but Chantelle Wood has a fit, and wants to know, if Charles Riggs has been shagging Kari Bellerby too, when she was engaged with her brother.

Both Charles Riggs and Kari Bellerby asures her, they have never made love with each other.

Chantelle Wood believes Charles Riggs, and tells Kari Bellerby very firmly, she shall stay away from her boyfriend.


Late Spring After Lady Samantha of Malbourgh has giving birth to Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain is still heavily pregnant, Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh like to hold a meeting at The Crowmed Lion.

Hence Kari Bellerby and the maids Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood still have some shopping to do, they are following them to the town.

Since Silas Combler mysteriously seams glued to Kari Bellerby and hence an unavoidable compay, they'd taken the brothers Conrad and Silas Combler with them as bodyguards.

At The Crowmed Lion, Kari Bellerby is annoyed by Silas Combler, and sends him with Etta Combler to the phamacist, while she and Chantelle Wood goes to the taylor.

At the tailor, Charles Riggs is welcoming Chantelle Wood with hugs and kisses.

Kari Bellerby orders a new dress for Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, she can wear in the comming summer after she have delivered.

Kari Bellerby wants a summerdress for herself and asks Charles Riggs to take messures for one, when Chantelle Wood smacks her.

Chantelle Wood accuses Kari Bellerby of wanting to shag Charles Riggs and it comes to a brawl between them.

Next, Kari Bellerby and Chantelle returned from the tailor and they obviously have been in a brawl.

Kari Bellerby gets suspicious when she sees Maxie Barta and Conrad Combler are there too, but Lady Valerie of Malbourgh asks her to sit down and drink wine with them.

Conrad Combler hugs Kari Bellerby and asks her, what has happened?

Kari Bellerby replies, Chantelle Wood needs to have her cherry popped by Charles Riggs to get less edgy.

Before Chantelle Wood can hit Kari Bellerby again, Maxie Barta interviens and states it has no hurry, and Chantelle Wood can become pregnant, if she's too busy getting layd.

Kari Bellerby gets in better mood by the wine, and stats, Silas Combler is at the pharmacy getting new supplies of contraceptive potions and Chantelle Wood can have all the potions she needs.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh asks if Chantelle Wood will like to go swap position with Etta Combler and go to Wondon Shire with him and Samantha of Malbourg as their nanny.

Chantelle Wood agrees to that, if just she gets away from Kari Bellerby, though she has to live together with Kari until they leave for Wondon.

At last Silas Combler returns from the pharmacy with the painkiller potion and the baby balsam without the contraception potion and his sister, Etta Combler. He tells Kari Bellerby, her couldn, Edward Lieberman, have to make the contraception potion first, but his sister, Etta Combler have offered to bring the potion to the castle, when it is finised.

Silas Combler confirms Kari Bellerby's assumption, his sister have offered Edward Liebermann to test the contraception potion, before she delivers it.

Kari Bellerby ragingly thinks, Edward Lieberman and Etta Combler has become to clever for their own good, and wants to go to the pharmacy to have a word with her cousin.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh suggests Kari Bellerby Calm down, and sit to drink some more wine with Maxie Combler, Conrad Combler and herself, while Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh, Silas Combler and Chantelle Wood goes home to the castle with the merchandise.

Kari Bellerby and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh can go to the pharmacy later, to pick up Etta Combler and the contraception potion later.

Next day, after Chantelle Wood have served breakfast for Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha, Kari Bellerby arrives to pay attention to Lady Maritha.

Lady Maritha of Turain sais goodbye to Chantelle Wood and are looking forward to meet Etta Combler.

Kari Bellerby and Chantelle Wood are then packing the things of Chantelle.

When Etta and Silas Combler arrive with Etta's things, Kari Bellerby and Chantelle Wood have allready packed the things of Chantelle.

Etta Combler uneasily asks Chantelle Wood, if she thinks, she can live together with Kari Bellerby.

Chantelle Wood happily hugs Etta and replies, it will only be for a few days ontil they all depart for Wondon and that she can cope with the shrew until then. Etta Combler can have the entire apartment all by herself until Moira Lieberman returns from Lewinton.

Etta Combler is actually longing for not having to listen to her brother's constantly passionately lovemaking with Kari Bellerby.

Early Summer Silas Combler have moved in with Kari Bellerby and Etta Combler but doesn't fancy living together with his sister. Since, Chantelle Wood had a good time with Sir Thomas of Wondon, the sisters decide to swap maids, so Chantelle wood will go with Samantha of Malbourg to Wondon as nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg and Etta Combler will become maid for Lady Maritha of Turain.

Midsommer at Rooster Claw, Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood, and their bodyguard, Slim Bellerby, and their companions, Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky meet David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wondon and their daughter, Sophie, who are preparing the nearby Wondon Tower for his wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourg makes excueses for Lady Maritha of Turain for not comming to the wedding.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon advices her cousin, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh to stay at The Rooster Claw, since the inn is large and close to Wondon Tower, where the wedding will take place.

Lady Stefanie of Wondon asks her cousin too, if she can take care of her daughter Sophie Smith, while she's preparing for the wedding.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh answars, Chantelle Wood can take care of Sophie Smith, too.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon arrives to The Rooster Claw with the newly married Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens, Chantelle Wood is a bit discontemped with the fact, she now has to care for both Sir Patrick Jr. and Sophie Smith,

Sir Thomas of Wondon tries to cheer Chantelle Wood up by cuddle her, but he does get a kiss or a hug back, though.

Chantelle Wood regrets, she has ever kissed Sir Thomas of Wondon and misses her boyfriend, Charles Riggs, back at Malbourgh.

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens start rehearsing the entertainment for the weddeding with Finly Dade.

Late Summer, Abe, Selina and Dawe Walden arives at The Rooster Claw.

Abe and Selina Walden are eger to join Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens in their rehearsels, but they need somebody to look after Dawe Walden.

Anxious to make a good impression on Chantelle Wood, Sir Thomas of Wondon suggests he and Chantelle shall be taking care of Dawe Walden, however, Chantelle Wood looks like she can kill him.

Then, Abe Walden, Finly Dade and Rowan Frederic Owens start practising the music for the wedding, while Selina Walden and Sherry Owens are practise dancing to the music.

On the morning of the wedding, the Guttricians comes to Rooster Claw. After greetings with the Malbourghians, the all go to Wondon Tower with the entertainers and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

At Wondon Tower, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg and their son Sir Patrick Jr. arrive to the wedding from Rooster Claw.

They got Chantelle Wood with them as Nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg, Sophie Smith and Dawe Walden, amd Slim Bellerby as bodyguard.

Sir Thomas of Wonden eagerly helps Chantelle Wood taking care of the Children and tries to make her look happy.

The old Sir Tomas of Wondon marries Lady Stefanie of Wondon to David Smith.

The cousin of Lady Stefanie, Flynn Flower, gives Lady Stefanie and David Smith the juwelery he had made for them.

Chantelle Wood noticed. Flynn Flower looks handsome.

Then Lady Stefanie and David Smith get congratulated by her parents, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden and the rest of the family of Lady Stefanie Smith.

When the brother of Lady Stefanie Smith, Sir Thomas of Wonden, gratulates Lady Stefanie Smith, she's united with her daughter, Sophie Smith.

Chantelle Wood looks happy, and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh of her hands, too.

When wedding ceromony is over, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens starts the music.,

Sir Thomas of Wonden asks his cousin, Annika Turain, if she can take care of Dawe Walden, Annika Turain agrees.

Sir Thomas of Wonden, takes Chantelle Wood out on the dancefloor.

At the dancefloor, Chantelle Wood is a bit annoyed, but dances with Sir Thomas of Wonden anyway.

Then Chantelle Wood spots the hansome Flynn Flower, who's dancing with Lady Josephine of Guttric, and she starts to work out a plan how to get dancing with Flynn Flower in stead of Sir Thomas of Wonden.

Whilst dancing with their partners, Flynn Flower and Chantelle Wood makes eyecontakt with each other.

Sir Thomas of Wonden likes to kiss Chantelle Wood, but she's not interested and rejects his approaches.

Chantelle Wood discovers, Flynn Flower have moved to the tables with drinks and is watching her.

Chantelle Wood suggests Sir Thomas of Wonden, they have a drink and takes him to the tables with refreshments.

Chantelle Wood makes sure, she stands next to Flynn Flower and Sir Thomas of Wonden offers her a drink.

While Chantelle Wood is toasting with Sir Thomas of Wonden, she's rubbing her bum at Flynn Flower.

Filled with hatred and jealousy, Moyo Wardon dashes to the tables to smack her boyfriend, Sir Arnold of Guttric, for kissing Maya Reise.

When Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric tries to make excuses, Moyo Wardon kicks him in his balls, too; and tells Maya Reise to stay away from her boyfriend.

Now, Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric gets mad on behalf of her brother, and starts to argue with Moyo Wardon. Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric tells Moyo Wardon, she shall leave her master's genitals alone and that she, as his dressing girl, have no special rights to his genitals.

Meanwhile, Maya Reise tries to nurse Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric by giving him a large hooch to dull his pain.

Moyo Wardon sees it, and Maya Reise have to dodge a stroke from Moyo Wardon.

Now, Sir Thomas of Wonden feels obligated to defend his cousin, Maya Wardon, and starts to argue with Moyo Wardon and backs Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric up.

In the confusion, Flynn Flower takes his chance, and gently squeezes the hand of Chantelle Wood.

Chantelle Wood replies by giving Flynn Flower a kiss, and while Moyo Wardon, Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric and Sir Thomas of Wonden are argueing, Flynn Flower takes Chantelle Wood out on the dancefloor.

Flynn Flower and Chantelle Wood are kissing, cuddling and dancing for the rest of the night until the music stops.

At the end of wedding night, the musicians stop the music and prepare to go home.

While Ruddy Locky is talkning with his sister, Hayley Locky, Finly Dade goes to Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg to ask for permission for them to stay at Wonden Town for a while for him to buy an new instrument.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh want to retreat to The Rooster Claw, and they demand Chantelle Wood comes with them to nurse Sir Patrick Jr., but they allow Finly Dade and his boyfriend, Ruddy Locky, to go to Wonden Town to buy a new instrument for Finly Dade there.

Chantelle Wood protests, because she wants to be with Flynn Flower until he kisses her, and offers to go with her to The Rooster Claw, so they can be together.

Inspite of protests from Chantelle Wood, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh shall wait for Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky at The Rooster Claw with their servants, Slim Bellerby and Chantelle Wood.

Thus, Jonathan and Lady Stefany Reise with their Grandaugter sleeping, Nia Reise, Leonie Reise, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, who takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh at her arms, because Chantelle Wood is too engaged kissing Flynn Flower, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, with Maya Reise as his bodygaurd, and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric with Sir Thomas of Wondon as her bodygaurd are leaving Wondon Tower together.

The days after the wedding, Chantelle Wood have got a crush on Flynn Flower and has a wonderful time with him for rest rest of her time at Wondon.

At The Rooster Claw, Sir William of Wonden finds Flynn Flower with Chantelle Wood.

Flynn Flower had falling for the charming Chantelle Wood, and likes to stay with her at The Rooster Claw until she have to follow Sir Leonard and lady Lady Samantha of Malbourgh when they're heading home for Malbourgh as nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

Flynn Flower have seen his cousins Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wondon excording Sir George Fern of Guttric to The Goblet at Sharton in Guttric.

Next morning, Alexander Reise comes back to The Rooster Claw with his wife and Children.

Jonathan and Nia Reise immediately starts playing withn Nigel Scott, Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott, while Mattie Scott, Leonie Reise and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have a good time. Chantelle Wood and Flynn Flower are having a good time by them self,

Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan then continue to Sharton and hope to find Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wonden at The Goblet at Sharton..

After having made sure, his son is in safe hands at Guttric Shire and had giving his a bodyguard, Sir William of Wondon and Alexander Reise are heading home to Rooster Claw.

At Rooster Claw, The nephew of Sir William of Wondon, Flynn Flower, is still engaged in cudling with Chantelle Wood, but Flynn Flower agrees to return home to Templeton, when Chantelle Wood has to follow the Malbourghians as they go home.

At the end of Late Summer, Chantelle Wood had been consumed by her love to Flynn Flower, but now she have to realize, she's the nanny of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh, and has to go to Malbourgh as such. She gets a tender kiss from Flynn Flower and a broch to remember him by, before the depart.

Early Autumn, Thus, it's a very sad company, that starts travieling toward Malbourgh Castle from the Rooster Claw. Finly Dade misses Ruddy Locky and Chantelle Wood misses Flynn Flower.

Slim Bellerby is comforting Finly Dade, and Chantelle Wood seaks comfort at Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

When they reached Grossbourgh Castle, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh decides, they need a break, and askes the captain of Grossbourgh, Desmond Jamison, if they can rest at Grossbourgh Castle for a while before they move on.

Sir Leon and Lady Mildred Of Grossbourgh inviate them to stay at Grossbourgh.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg get very well along with Sir Goeffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh at Grossbourgh.

The sister of Sir Goeffrey Heaton, Lady Mary Heaton Curry, had moved to Nooxy 10 years ago when she married, and the Malbourghian got her old rooms at the castle.

Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade get the old guardroom, whereas Desmond Jamison provides a room of her own for Chantelle Wood.

Autumn Equinox Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood make a stop for a social visit at Grossbourgh Castle.

At Grossbourgh, they are spending time with Sir Goeffrey Heaton and Lady Petra of Grossbourgh and their children Sir Leonard Heaton, Lady Denice Heaton and Lady Fraya Heaton, whom is peer to Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg.

Lady Fraya Heaton and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg are playing at Grossbourgh Castle.

Chantelle Wood and Desmond Jamison, the captain of the Grossbourghian Army, whom are supervising Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg, fall in love with each other.

Late Autumn Sir Leonard, Lady Samantha and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourg with their nanny, Chantelle Wood return to Malbourg Castle. Slim Bellerby and Finly Dade have made up and are now an item again.








Desmond Jamison marries Chantelle Wood.


Jo Jamison is born.




Jeffrey Jamison is born.




Desmond Jamison is killed.